Temporary Patient Registration

If you are not registered with a GP you will be unable to see one unless you have a serious emergency. In most other cases, calling 111 is a better option.

If you are not registered with a GP but need treatment at a GP Surgery you will need to complete a temporary registration form.

You can register as a temporary patient  if you plan to live near the GP surgery for up to 3 months.

After 3 months you will have to apply to register with that surgery as a permanent patient.

You can register temporarily with a GP surgery while away from home for work, study or on holiday. You’ll remain registered with your permanent GP surgery.

The temporary GP surgery will pass details of any treatment you have to your permanent GP surgery. They will add the information to your medical records.

You will need to fill in a Temporary Registration Form GMS3, in person at reception, or with the online form below.

Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.


If, like most students, you spend more weeks of the year at your university address than your family’s address, you need to register with a GP near your university as soon as possible.

If you become unwell or need other medical treatment when you’re at home or not staying near your university GP, you can register as a temporary patient filling in Temporary Registration Form GMS3 with your nearest Gp Surgery.

You can also contact 111 or  visit a walk in center, Accident and Emergency Department  which can provide treatment for minor injuries or illnesses such as cuts, bruises and rashes. You do not need to be registered to be seen there.

Temporary Patient Services - GMS3
Home Address *
Home Address
Temporary Address (if applicable)
Temporary Address (if applicable)

Renovation works Completed!

Building works are now complete, and we are back in our original building, where you will find much-improved premises and facilities. We hope to provide excellent care and gradually expand the width of facilities from our building. We would like to thank you all for bearing with us during this phase.

Cancer Screening


It is important to go for your screening tests for Cancers when invited. If you are due a cervical smear, please call and book with the Practice Nurse!