Useful Contacts

OrganisationPhone Number
Watford General Hospital01923 244366
Mount Vernon Hospital01923 826111
Northwick Park hospital0208 864 5311
Emergency dentist01923 231860
Practitioner Services unit01707 390855
Watford & 3 Rivers Primary Care Trust01923 281600
Social Services0208 421 1777
Citizen Advice Bureau0208 421 0911
Samaritans01923 233333
Relate (marriage guidance)01923 241803
Signpost (counselling for young people)01923 239495
Alcoholics Anonymous01923 211122
Alcohol Advice Centre01923 221037
Drug Concern (CDAT)01923 255124
Cruse (bereavement support group)01923 855420
Three Rivers District Council01923 776611
Peace Hospice01923 211466
Victim support01707 331177
Watford Women’s Centre01923 816229
Stop smoking Help line08003 893998
Genito-urinary medicine clinic WGH01923 217206
National Childbirth Trust01923 229805
Esom Chemist0208 4286086
Prestwick Chemist0208 4212929
Mastercare Chemist0208 4284719
Jones Chemist0208 4281643
Bhander Chemist0208 4282660

Renovation works Completed!

Building works are now complete, and we are back in our original building, where you will find much-improved premises and facilities. We hope to provide excellent care and gradually expand the width of facilities from our building. We would like to thank you all for bearing with us during this phase.

Cancer Screening


It is important to go for your screening tests for Cancers when invited. If you are due a cervical smear, please call and book with the Practice Nurse!